Do you ever doubt yourself, question your abilities, or feel like you’re not “enough”? We’ve all been there, at some time. Self-doubt often shows up uninvited when we are making our most exciting plans. We second guess well-made intentions and thoughts of not being enough, or fear of failure can sabotage our progress. What thoughts.. read more →

Mental Health Awareness Week highlights the significance of mental well-being in our lives. Mental health is an integral aspect of wholistic well-being and just as we look after our physical health by sleeping or being active, we can prioritize self-care and well-being to promote and foster our mental health and resilience. These three practices and.. read more →
So you have a vision for what you want to do in your life, and a fresh intent to move forward to make it happen. So what is getting in your way? It’s uncomfortable to ask because when we are honest, and move past the excuses it is often “our-self” or our thinking that can.. read more →

July is a great time for a mid-year audit, to check in on our goals and aspirations. and to give thanks for what has come our way so far this year. This month New Zealand also marks the mid-year for a second year running, with a long weekend to celebrate Matariki. It’s worth thinking about.. read more →

Are you Living Your Life by Design or Default?” Some people spend more time planning their holidays than they do thinking about what they want to do with their life. Are you living life by default, without too much thought for what you really want, and just letting life happen to you? With both my.. read more →