So you have a vision for what you want to do in your life, and a fresh intent to move forward to make it happen. So what is getting in your way?

It’s uncomfortable to ask because when we are honest, and move past the excuses it is often “our-self” or our thinking that can get in the way of us reaching for our goals and dreams. Our own self-doubt can sabotage our progress. Self-doubt often shows up as an inner critic or self-dialogue that can diminish our confidence and hi jack our progress.

Here’s ten points to help you embrace challenge and move past self-doubt and limiting thoughts.

1. Know the goal, and have a vision for what you want it to look like.
2. Be true to yourself – know your values and align your actions with them.
3. Be self- aware – know when self-doubt is showing up, and know when you are trying to live by someone else’s values – this looks like “ I should” or “I have to”.
4. Accept your tricky brain – more on the inner critic next month, but just know she shows up to keep you safe, so thank her, reassure her, she will be along for the ride, but don’t let her sabotage your progress.
5. Turn up your inner cheerleader, amplify a kinder and more loving inner monologue that you deserve. It is crucial to undo your default thought patterns and deliberately select more compassionate ones; and know that this process requires patience and practice.
6. Stop comparing yourself to others. … You have your own potential and unique contribution to make.
7. Stay in the journey – persevere and keep taking action. Small steps will take you toward your vision.
8. Stay hopeful – hope acts as a buffer to challenge and adversity and keeps us motivated toward our dreams.
9. Practice self-gratitude. Notice good things, look for the good things and appreciate them.
10. Keep a journal – writing down your inner thoughts creates self-awareness, helps identify self-doubt and will help you to see your growth.

So Open your eyes, take a deep breath, and go for it …

“Be willing to step outside your comfort zone once in a while; take the risks in life that seem worth taking. The ride might not be as predictable if you’d just planted your feet and stayed put, but it will be a heck of a lot more interesting.”