Do you ever doubt yourself, question your abilities, or feel like you’re not “enough”? We’ve all been there, at some time.

Self-doubt often shows up uninvited when we are making our most exciting plans. We second guess well-made intentions and thoughts of not being enough, or fear of failure can sabotage our progress.

What thoughts turn up for you?

I’m here to tell you, – you’re stronger than you think!
When self-doubt threatens to sabotage your goals – here’s what you can do to stay on track.

Have a good idea of what you want.
Take time to understand what it is you really want. Visualisation is a powerful tool so create a vision, a big picture image of what you want your life to look like and feel like.

Know what’s important and align with your key values
When you align with your values you create a natural attraction, flow and ease that will help you to move towards what you want.

Tap into your strengths and qualities
You have your own unique skills and experiences, that will help and empower you to reach your goals and dreams. To remind yourself of your key achievements, make a collection of all the things that show how “fabulous” you really are.

Take committed action, that will bring your vision to life.
Set Achievable Goals: Break your big goals into small, attainable steps. Taking committed action requires courage and will help you to grow in confidence. Confidence doesn’t just arrive, but you can cultivate it. It will grow, as you feel the fear and do it any way.
Accept that you will experience some discomfort, embrace the challenge, and use little steps to move through it. With each small step forward you will grow in confidence and gain momentum.

Notice when self-doubt shows up.
Notice your thoughts.
I’m thinking …
What thoughts show up for you?
Acknowledge the thought.
I notice I’m thinking ….
Then choose to reconnect with your vision, align with your values, and take committed action toward bringing your vision to life.
If fear of failure is holding you back.
Try seeing failure as part of the process. It’s where you learn the most. Don’t be afraid of it. What if you were to think of failure as an opportunity for new learning and experiences. If you fail, look for what you can learn, dust yourself off and try again.


If self-doubt is overwhelming, reach out and ask for help.
Building confidence is a journey. It takes time and effort, but you’re worth it. 💖

“You will never realize your best destiny through the avoidance of fear. Rather, you will realize it through the exercise of courage, which means taking whatever action is most liberating to the soul, even when you are afraid.”
~Martha Beck, Steering by Starlight

Sometimes it helps to have someone walk along beside you. If self doubt is holding you back, get in touch, I’d love to help. Let’s chat