I guess we have all resolved in the past to start something new, was it a new exercise regime, to find more fulfilling work, or to make this year better than your last? You begin working towards your goals then let them go when life gets too busy and you forget about what’s important. How.. read more →
So you have a vision for something you really REALLY want to do. You are excited and scared all at the same time to be setting off in this new direction. Before you go, you can look at what might just get in the way of making it happen. What pirates might turn up to.. read more →
A MAP is a design, a drawing, an outline, a picture, or a plan. Design your life, make a MAP for what you want to do. Start with setting a new direction and mapping your vision. Your vision is at the forefront. Keep asking your self what is it that I really, REALLY want? Where.. read more →
I have to admit that I have tripped and stumbled a bit this month. I have experienced roadblocks that have been my own thoughts getting in the way, questioning my intentions, and sabotaging my progress. Sometimes when we get close to what it is we really want, we pull back through fear of the unknown.. read more →
Ten years ago I mapped my vision. I was ready for a change in pace and a different lifestyle. I was feeling uncertain about what I wanted, or how to get started and I was ready to set a new direction. I got to work to create my vision collecting images and words that would.. read more →
When you are ready to start on your journey of change, you need to create a strong foundation to step from. Life serves up all kinds of challenges, and most times we don’t have control over what these are. Last week was one of those times I observed how life can serve up a multiple.. read more →
Take the drivers seat, take control of your life and set off on your new path. Develop your own road MAP to get there using these 6 simple, powerful and instantly actionable strategies. They will enable you to create a clear picture of the change you really want and the steps you need to take.. read more →
I thought I would share with you the lessons I learned while I was biking the trail, because I think they can be helpful if you are stepping out on a venture or journey. The first lesson: Be prepared for discomfort When we go for an adventure, step off on a new journey or pathway… read more →
Focus on the Journey not the destination. Joy is found not in the finishing of an activity but in doing it. Four days 150kms of old rail trail through some of Central Otago’s most beautiful country side. Little towns I had heard of and now seen – Clyde, Alexandra, Omakau, Wedderburn, Ophir (apparently the coldest.. read more →
“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey In the past on our travels we have really enjoyed doing walking tours where you walk from place to place and your luggage is moved to the next place you stay and will be found waiting for you.. read more →