Both my parents lost some of the quality of the later years of their lives, through the early onset of debilitating illness. This was a catalyst for me to set out to make my every day count, and as I’ve negotiated my way through my own life challenges and change, I’ve found some secrets that.. read more →

I really appreciate the small intimate groups that I have been lucky to be a part of, where trust is high, and confidence is developed as we stretch and grow with support and encouragement gained from each other. I love the sense of shared endeavor – that I’m not alone, that there are others out.. read more →

Have you been thinking, talking, dreaming of what life could be like? Have you made resolutions to follow a new diet, start a new exercise regime, or find more fulfilling work? Do you begin working on your goals then give-up, or get too busy and forget what’s important? Before you know it, another year passes.. read more →

Do you ever feel time is working against you? Not enough time in the day, trying to squeeze in as much as you can, feeling under pressure and like a rat on a treadmill.  Wishing there was more time to do everything you need to do. Feeling guilty, frustrated, and anxious for not accomplishing all.. read more →

Sometimes, things that look bad first up, turn out to have a golden lining. When I arrived at our holiday accommodation I realized we had very poor reception and no WIFI! The good side to that was that I could spend quality time with my family with less distraction. On occasion I took advantage of.. read more →

Here we are at the midway of the year, a time to check in with ourselves and ask – “have I made the progress I was hoping for?” When we look at our progress, and experiences we often reflect on our goals, or intentions, where we would like to be or what we would like.. read more →

Sometimes you feel like you are out of gas. Married, with three school age children, I was working full time in a busy and demanding role, living a full and “busy” life, and always striving to keep up. I had my foot on the pedal too hard, and when you are living life that way.. read more →

Asking for help can be the bravest move you make. As independent and capable women we can find it hard to ask for help, and we find it way more comfortable to lend a hand to others than to receive it. I thought about the times of adversity in my own life when I have.. read more →

I’m always up for a weekend of adventure. Our group was planning to traverse a mountain – known as “The Tongariro Crossing”. As the weekend was rolled in, so too did a weather bomb, forecast to hit the country on the day we had planned our trip up the mountain.. We had to make a.. read more →

Well-being is something you work towards so you can have the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy. Well-being is my go to, my default, a lifetime pursuit and my whole lifestyle is aligned with promoting my state of well-being. I’m drawn toward promoting and encouraging others in their pursuit of well-being as well. As.. read more →