Auckland Women’s Life and Career Change Meet Up A branch of community, I started this group in 2015 and it now has registered. 585 members. The women in this group are inspiring as they take brave steps to make the changes they want to see in their lives. This community offers a sense of connection.. read more →

May this new year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every joy of life and turn all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into achievements. The year ahead will be a mix of amazing and wonderful experiences, as well as offering challenge, and change and it will be how you respond that.. read more →

A new year holds promise, and it’s worth taking time to consider how you want to show up in the world. This is an opportunity to set an intention to be the person you really want to be, to embrace your vision of yourself at your best, and to develop the qualities that will take.. read more →

As far back as I can remember from when I had my first interviews as a young women applying for my career, I have had a holistic philosophy of health. I resonated with the idea of “total well-being”; for me this meant more than just the physical health sense but also the other aspects that.. read more →

Take your time, As you make change in the physical situation of your life, and you move away from what was toward something new, it can take time for the inner orientation to catch up. You may have commitments to your old situation, or toward making steps in a new direction, and this may be.. read more →

You will navigate many chapters of change through your life, and at times there may be need for support to make the choices and decisions and to find the direction that’s right for you. It can be challenging to take the first steps, you can feel frustrated, alone, stuck, and lacking in confidence. Sometimes you.. read more →

It’s worth taking time to create a vision, to decide what you want to paint upon your canvas of life, so you know where to focus your time, which opportunities to pursue and seize, which to decline and the sorts of people you want to share your journey with. Ten years ago, I mapped a.. read more →

Values help us to navigate change more easily, they help us to connect more fully with what’s around us, and to grow more surely into who, or what we want to become. Values are a reflection of our beliefs and what we hold as important. Having clarity about our values empowers us to make the.. read more →

 The new year is like a blank canvas, and you decide how you will paint it. “Unless you take time to decide what you want to paint upon the canvas of life, how will you know where to focus your time, which opportunities to seize, which to decline, and the sorts of people you want.. read more →

A year and half ago I decided to write a book. It seemed such a lofty but exciting goal, and my progress has wobbled at time’s but I’m fueled to reach my intent, and look forward to holding this first book in my hands. When we look at how we can be happier, or at.. read more →