Both my parents lost some of the quality of the later years of their lives, through the early onset of debilitating illness. This was a catalyst for me to set out to make my every day count, and as I’ve negotiated my way through my own life challenges and change, I’ve found some secrets that really help if you want to manifest a life you’ll love. You’ may already practice these or have heard of them before, but I do believe, they are the secret to living your best life.
1. Set an intention to live your best life.
You have your own unique strengths that can help you, and you just need to show up each day with commitment to use all your gifts and talents. Commitments are the decisions you make about who you want to be, how you will act, and who you will support.
It’s important to have something you’re aiming for, so create a vision, for what you want your life to look like and feel like. It helps to know where you want to go and what personal resources you can call on to help you to get there. Creating a vision for your life and working intentionally towards it puts you in the driver’s seat.
An inspiring vision will act as a force that lifts you up and supports you in making choices that will help you create that life you really want. People and circumstances start to fall in place, and it’s sometimes only afterwards that you see the benefits that come your way as a result of setting your vision. These opportunities can be stepping stones that lead to greater things.
2. Be true to yourself
Be authentic, do what you feel is right for you. You are unique so don’t compare yourself with others. Find your own way, and create your own MAP to help you get where you want to be. Nobody else can do it for you. Be yourself without worry about what other people think or how others may judge you.
Be kind to yourself and show yourself compassion. If things don’t go to plan, treat yourself like you were your best friend, and give yourself time to bounce back up, so you can forward again.
Spend time on these things that matter, the things you know to be important. Find out what these are, know your values, because they reflect what’s important in the way you live and work. If you can align your life with your values you will feel more like yourself, more excited, energized, at peace and effortless.
3. Notice abundance and cultivate and practice gratitude.
Research shows we can’t feel gratitude and stress at the same time. The more you practice gratitude and find things to be grateful for, the more they will seem to come your way.
Notice the abundance around you, and what shows up for you each day – time, friend’s, money, space. You’ll be amazed once you start just what turns up in your life. Gratitude and abundance go hand in hand, like attracts like, so when you appreciate and notice abundance you attract more.
4. Take action, say YES to new adventure, take small steps, keep moving toward your vision, aligning with your values, and following your intuition toward what feels right. Action is required, but keep a quiet center in the process. Take time for some calm, and quiet, pause and sit still with your meditations, thoughts and reflections.
5. Stay open and flexible to what turns up.
Be open to any experience, and rest in the certainty that life’s powerful currents will take you where you want to go. Keep an open mind, look for opportunity, everything is unfolding exactly as it should, what ever happens to you, happens for you. Take courage and take action and when you’ve set things in motion, learn to go with the flow, and without resistance, and notice just what turns up.
6. Learn to let go of whatever is holding you back.
Let go the limiting thoughts and beliefs, let go of self doubt, of what you think you should do or you’re supposed to do, and of others expectations. Let go the worry of what others might think, and how others might judge you. Move away from the people who bring you down.
Let go of what’s no longer serving you. Let go of the “I’m so busy brag” and the need for productivity to measure your self worth. Look to where you need to de-clutter, your office, your wardrobe, your day, by clearing out space, you can step back and see with more clarity.
7.Create your support network
Find those people that support you, and let you be who you want to be, who will listen without judgment, and will encourage you to do whatever it is YOU “want” to do. The way to get better is to surround yourself with these people who believe in you.
Who are the people in your life that can be your cheer team?
Be there for others, support, encourage, help them live their best life, without judgment, or expectation, and be in their cheer team.
Behind every successful woman,is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.
Set your intention to start living your best life, you can get started, and set a new direction for your future with Map My Vision