22 Feb 2016
February 22, 2016

Be Your Own Hero

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Be your own hero

Keep your head up, keep your heart strong.

“To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly.” Wayne Dyer

If you were asked to give advice to yourself, to a younger you, what would you say?

I have been thinking about this and I think I would encourage the younger me to believe in myself more.

I would say – “Be the person who is your greatest follower, your greatest support act, who believes in you wholeheartedly. Like yourself, learn to please yourself, and do what feels right for you, and above all be nice to yourself. It is okay to fail, learn from your failures and use them to make yourself stronger. Believe in your dreams, and trust in yourself to make them come true.”

“Surround yourself with positive, happy people. People that provide you with positive energy, who lift you up and make you feel energized. You know the ones I mean. Choose supportive friends/people who will support your journey and give you the time and space.

Some people may bring your down, and make you feel not good enough, or that you’re not doing the right thing. Everyone has an opinion. Be mindful of other people’s opinions, and sometimes you will need to protect yourself from the opinions of others. They will not always be the right answer for you. Listen to what they have to say and weigh it up, but remember to trust yourself, your feelings and decisions.”

“Be of service to others. By delivering joy to others we gain it for ourselves, and we find gratitude.  Holding gratitude in our hearts does amazing things, perhaps most profound of all is that it multiplies. Often through service to others we gain clarity and a greater understanding of ourselves and our own journey. Happiness consists in giving and serving others so ask your self, how can I be a blessing to others today?”

Now its your turn. What advice would you give to your younger self?

And remember it is never to late to be your own hero –

Keep your head up and your heart strong.