A major life event can totally change your world leaving you feeling lost, confused and uncertain, or a strong feeling of discontent settles upon you and you realise you just want more. Many of the women I work with find themselves in a situation where something major has happened in their life, or they experience this strong sense of discontent and the emotions and feelings can be overwhelming.

I have been in that place where life gets tipped up-side down, following a major life event and I have also experienced discontent, uncertainty and wanting more. It can be a difficult and challenging time. It helps to know there are phases of change we cycle through, what we can expect and how we can move on.

A beautiful way to describe this transformation is to compare it to the metamorphosis of the butterfly.
The cycle of change we endure as we transform our life begins with a breaking down of old ways, which can either be through a life event or crises, or sometimes the catalyst can be a strong discontent, and feeling that it’s time for something new.

In the First stage: following a catalytic event or change, we can have a bit of a melt-down, much like the caterpillar becomes a gloopy-like state inside its cocoon. In this first phase of the change cycle: self-care, self-awareness, and the fostering of resilience becomes fundamental. As we negotiate a changing landscape, it’s like a meltdown of what was, and there will be a great range of feelings and emotions experienced as we adapt, and rearrange our life.

Stage two finds us letting go of old ways and the creation of new plans, dreaming, gathering information, and researching new ideas. We can leverage off our strengths and experiences, and envisage–what we want our life to look like as we set a new direction.

We emerge much like the butterfly; stage three is characterised by energising actions and implementing new plans, we go beyond dreaming to actually doing. There will be big moves to be made, and obstacles will get in our way. This phase is recognised by trial and error, a time where we must be prepared to fail, to get up and try again. Using small steps to make big moves will assist you through this phase, as will finding a community who will support your progress.

In the fourth stage like a butterfly soaring we find ourselves in full flight, thriving, and enjoying what we are doing in the moment. We can enhance what we have by making smaller moves with less stress, which will equal more pleasure. This is a time to be grateful. We can continue to foster resilience during this phase as we accept that change may be around the corner.

We will experience this transformational cycle more than once as we navigate our life, and through my own experiences and learning I have created six focused steps that will help you to make change toward a rich and meaningful life.

My coaching programmes, workshops, writings and my book are based around a framework of six simple and effective approaches that offer support as you progress and negotiate through the cycles of change.

1. Creating a strong foundation.
2. Setting a new direction.
3. Designing a MAP–My Action Plan – a course of action to help you get there.
4. Embracing challenge and negotiating obstacles that get in your way.
5. Taking action.
6. Fostering a resilient approach: Review, Reassess, and Realign.

Each step–each chapter–in this framework is ongoing. They each support one another, and can be revisited and practiced across each phase, as you recognise the support and actions required to help you progress.

You can work your own through these powerful steps as you work through my book The Power to Change – Six steps to rich and meaningful life.Each chapter works through the steps of this framework, supported by resources and activities for you to progress your own personal journey.

We only get one life so why not live it the best way we can.

My hope is that with the information you read in the pages, and the insights you gather as you complete the exercises, you will feel more certain and clear about what’s important. You will know where you’re headed, you will feel more confident to follow your own decisions and choices, and inspired to take action toward living the life you’ve imagined.

Support your transition through change with simple, powerful, and actionable strategies you can follow to enable you to see a clear picture of the change you desire.
Order a copy here.