July is a great time for a mid-year audit, to check in on our goals and aspirations. and to give thanks for what has come our way so far this year. This month New Zealand also marks the mid-year for a second year running, with a long weekend to celebrate Matariki.
It’s worth thinking about our own perspective on Matariki and the opportunities it may provide, and I have a great review activity that I gift you with this month’s email.
Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades which can be seen in our midwinter. For many Māori, it signifies the beginning of the new year and Iwi across New Zealand understand and celebrate Matariki in different ways and at different times.
Associated with Matariki is the story of Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatūānuku, the earth mother who were separated by their children. It is a tale of renewal, opportunity and reflection on who we are and our connection to our whanau.
One of the stars in the Matariki star cluster – Hiwa-i-te-rangi is known as the ‘wishing star’, and has connections to our hopes dreams and aspirations for the year ahead.
Matariki presents a chance to celebrate and connect with family and friends, a time to be thankful for the special people in my life and the magic of opportunities that have come my way.
I also intend for Matariki to be an opportunity to reignite my intention for how I want to mark the year, to be thankful, to reset goals for going forward, and to look toward new growth and new beginnings.
Mark the mid-year, and take time over the long weekend to “Review and Renew”, with this special koha to celebrate Matariki – a gift from me to you. This guide will help you to review the year to date, reflecting on highlights, challenges and new learning and on to refocus and renew your intentions, and shine a light on your hopes and aspirations so you can move more successfully toward the end of the year, making your own magic.