May this new year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every joy of life and turn all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into achievements.
The year ahead will be a mix of amazing and wonderful experiences, as well as offering challenge, and change and it will be how you respond that will make the difference.
This is your call to action to create an extraordinary year and a life that you really want.
Having your best year yet is about becoming the person you want to be.
It’s about embracing your vision of yourself at your best and developing the qualities that will take you there.
Your Best Year Yet! You can Design it, MAP it and Love it.
Design It
Explore your dreams and aspirations. Create a fantasy film in your mind of all you want the year to be and the how you want to turn up in the world.
Think about how you want your life to look and feel, reawaken your deepest desires and
create your vision. Fill a canvas of all you want in your life for this year, getting clear on the types of pursuits, experiences and relationships that light you up.
Creating a vision for your life and working intentionally towards it, puts you in the driver’s seat. Set a new direction for your future with this free resource Map My Vision.
An inspiring vision will act as a force that lifts you up and supports you in making choices that will help you create that life you really want. People and circumstances start to fall in place, and it is sometimes only afterwards that you see the benefits that come your way because of an opportunity. These opportunities can be steppingstones leading to greater things.
Map It
Create a MAP – My Action Plan, a map that will help bring your vision to life.
Your Map will start with your vision, align it with your values, and include a record of your skills and experiences and any new skills you may like to develop. Consider who will be on your support team, factor in milestones and time-frames, first steps, and consider the obstacles that may get in your way.
There are pitfalls that may prevent you from making progress.
Your thoughts, habits and excuses may keep you from your best life, it is tempting to take the easy way out, ensure you align with your vision rather than your excuses.
Disempowering choices may prevent you from reaching your goals, being afraid to change, and afraid of failure, can keep you stuck, so you stay in the same place because it’s familiar comfort. Be aware of any self-defeating behaviors – any behavior that is self-sabotaging that takes away from what you want or distracts you from your goals.
Consider new behaviours and choices you can make that will help make this year extraordinary.
Plan your first steps, make them small enough that you can do them, and just get started.
Don’t wait for everything to be just right
For your schedule to be cleared
For “one day…”
or “next year” “when I have more time…”
You can start now.
Love it,
Gain courage to create and seize each day, capture, and appreciate the special moments that give you joy, and be proud and confident in who you are.
No matter what is going on around you, your best year yet is there for the taking.
You choose the actions you will take, the behaviours you will engage in, how you respond to issues, and whether you will give up settling for the illusion of ease that comes with blindly repeating the same old pattern or whether you tread a new path.
Show up with commitment to use all your gifts and talents.
Commitments are decisions you make about how you will act in the world, and who you will support. By simply committing to these within yourself, you become a more powerful person.
Set a new intent and revisit it,
it takes 28 days to change a habit,
the same could be said of changing belief process.
Declare it to the world – your intent informs your behaviours, actions choices and words.
Write a new story that lets go of the story’s excuses, self-imposed limitations, old beliefs that no longer serve you and replace these with belief in yourself, the contribution you can make, and your highest potential.
Muster up the courage to go out and make the most of every day, look at life through new eyes, have the faith to make changes and take risks. If it’s exciting and scary you’re in the right place, and on your way living the kind of life you’ll love.