The new year is like a blank canvas, and you decide how you will paint it.
“Unless you take time to decide what you want to paint upon the canvas of life, how will you know where to focus your time, which opportunities to seize, which to decline, and the sorts of people you want to share your journey with.”
I have offered Vision Board Workshops to my community for a number of years, because they are such a powerful tool. Visualisation helps you bring your goals and dreams to life.
An inspiring vision will act as a force that lifts you up and supports you in making choices that will help you create the life you really want. People and circumstances start to fall in place, and it is sometimes only afterwards that you see the benefits that come your way as a result of an opportunity. These opportunities can be steppingstones leading to greater things.
Have you ever made a vision board?
Create the most beautiful vision of what you would like your life to look like and feel like. Allow your vision to reflect the types of pursuits, experiences and relationships that fill you up.
Let it come from your heart
This will be a chance to use your imagination,
to explore what makes you come alive, interests and engages you?
What’s been fulfilling, important and meaningful in the past and still is?
This will be a chance to explore and depict your dreams and aspirations.
Forming a heartfelt vision can give you natural strength and energy and bring about a purposeful commitment to move on in life in a meaningful on-purpose way.
Check out my free resource Map My Vision and get started creating your master piece for what you would love 2022 to mean for you.
Join me for a Vision Board workshop