A year and half ago I decided to write a book. It seemed such a lofty but exciting goal, and my progress has wobbled at time’s but I’m fueled to reach my intent, and look forward to holding this first book in my hands.

When we look at how we can be happier, or at how productive we have been, goal setting often comes up.

There is considerable research showing that goal setting works as a way to get what what we want out of life. 

How often do you check in with yourself and ask –

“have I made the progress I was hoping for?” 

When I work with clients we use adjectives as a powerful way of setting goals

Let’s try this;

Pick a goal…

Imagine what your life would be like if you realized the goal you just identified.

What would it look like, and feel like?

Use all your senses and create a detailed fantasy film in your mind.   

Begin listing adjectives that describe how you feel in your dream-come-true scenario.

The magic number is three. Don’t stop until you have at least that many ways to describe those lovely feelings.

Find describing words like energetic, focused, delighted, and accomplished. It will help to write them down.

You may also like to consider how these three adjectives show up already in your life.

By putting your attention on those aspects of your life you can feel happier right now and this will help you create future situations that fulfill your true desires.

Using adjectives, helps to focus all your efforts on the quality of the experience you want to create.

“This process is certainly a little different from the usual ways of goal setting, – it requires coming from the heart and the help of a thesaurus—but it does pay off.”

Goal setting alone does not predict our success.

We may have a good understanding of the importance of keeping goals SMART – that is making our goals:

S-pecific, M-easure-able, A-ttainable, R-ealistic and with a T-imeframe,

We can come from the HEART, by designing goals that feel good and will help pull us forward;

Harmonious: Agreeable in feeling, attitude and action, and congruent with your vision and values. 

Engaging: Winning, attractive and pleasing, they resonate and charm you. 

Aspirational: You feel a strong desire towards them.

Refreshing: They restore a sense of vitality and energy.

Transformative: Causing a radical and positive change in your outlook.

Even when we create powerful goals by aligning with the adjectives that will help us identify our true desires; it is essential to plan our goals, and to have a MAP (My Action Plan)  to help us reach them.

Goal setting is crucial in making life changes – but it is not enough.

The goal might be your destination but you need a map to get there.

I can now truly experience those three adjectives as my lofty and exciting goal to publish my book becomes a reality. I’m feeling delighted, fulfilled, and accomplished.

Each chapter of this workbook guides you through my proven Transformational Framework, including goal setting and developing your own plan of action, supported by resources and activities for you to progress your own personal journey.

The Power to Change – six focused steps to a rich and meaningful life.

Available on Amazon Kindle and paperback

A quote from my book.

Big journeys begin with small steps.