I have to admit that I have tripped and stumbled a bit this month. I have experienced roadblocks that have been my own thoughts getting in the way, questioning my intentions, and sabotaging my progress.

Sometimes when we get close to what it is we really want, we pull back through fear of the unknown and doubt that places limits on our actions.

This month I planned to do my first webinar. I’m really used to speaking in front of others, and facilitating workshops, so I should be quite confident and relaxed about it – right? But fear and doubt about putting myself out there, the risk of failure, of making mistakes, and not being ready “enough” threatened to hold me back.

At some point I just had to stop, breathe and reset. I placed hope over doubt and focused on the hope and intention to provide a webinar to help and serve my community. I mapped out all that I needed to do to make it happen. It’s not always easy to see just where to start. I just had to start and then one small step at a time, and focusing on one task at a time, I progressed.

My webinar went live and I actually enjoyed doing it. Okay, I had some learning moments that I will take through to the next time, but overall I feel quite proud of myself and excited about doing it again soon.

There is bound to be other road blocks and obstacles as I travel this pathway, and I am thankful I have a collection of strategies and skills to turn my thoughts around, find new evidence, recondition my thinking, so I can tell a new story and continue on my way.

They are the same skills and experiences I share with you, when you experience obstacles and roadblocks on your coaching journey. Building a collection of skills and strategies will enable you to do the things that you have hopes and intentions for too.

Be aware if an old story is blocking your way forward, and assure yourself that things are different now, then look for the evidence to support that. Each day brings a new you, try on a new approach, wear it like a new dress, and step-out in your own style, with confidence and ease.

When you step through fear, and sidestep around doubt, when you place hope and intention above these, you will be rewarded with feelings of empowerment and satisfaction, and should you fail, you gain the lessons learned, and the courage to try again tomorrow, and you will have new skills to add your growing collection.