Take the drivers seat, take control of your life and set off on your new path. Develop your own road MAP to get there using these 6 simple, powerful and instantly actionable strategies. They will enable you to create a clear picture of the change you really want and the steps you need to take to make it happen.

So put on your “sunnies”, fold back the hood, and let’s go.

The first stop is a pit stop to make sure your vehicle is safe and prepared for the journey. Its about creating a strong foundation so you can get to where you want to go. It’s like giving your car a tune up and putting petrol in the tank for your trip. This is about acknowledging your current reality, where you are when you start off. You need to know what’s important and what you stand for, and be able to tap into your strengths and foster your own resilience so you are in tune and ready to move forward with confidence and certainty.

Now you can set a direction and create a clear picture of where you want to go, and what it will take to make it happen. This is your unique journey so you may need to think about this task as unique to you, as is the specific opportunity to make it happen. Know what personal resources you can call on to help you to get there and follow and trust your own compass to set the direction. It’s best to travel your journey by design, not by default. Form your own wholehearted vision so you can move forward with a sense of purpose.

Before you go check out any possible detours or road blocks, and uncover hidden challenges that may sabotage or slow down your progress. You may need to ask yourself – How did you get to this place on the road in the first place? The stories you tell yourself will shrink or expand what’s possible. Ask yourself – does my current story expand or shrink possibilities?  Using negative labels – such as I’m not enough, I’m hopeless, I can never, is likely shrinking your possibilities. What evidence can you find that contradicts your story or reality?  Try on a new story, wear it like a new travel outfit, challenge your fear and beliefs, so you can move forward with confidence and certainty.

Make sure you have developed a “MAP” – My Action Plan, this will help you to identify the path you need to take. You will feel excited and energised with a “MAP” with the right way to set off toward your vision and destination.

What else do you need to do before you take off?  Identify any extra actions, or tools that will help you on your road trip.  This is a good time to release the past. Let go of what no longer  serves you, and focus your energy not on trying to change what can’t be altered but on changing what can. When you stop clinging to the past it releases you to improve the future, and the new opportunities that open up. This will mean less excess baggage to squeeze into the boot. It’s worth taking your individuality. It will help you be noticed as you go on your way. When you embrace who you truly are, you enable others to do the same. Remember to pack your self approval. It will help you to enjoy the trip more, and find your true direction without caring what others may say or think?

Now you are all packed, ready to take action and set forth. Ease off the hand break and gently move forward. No rush to get there, as this first part of the MAP shows a very short and achievable drive.  Continue to be aware of roadblocks and detours as you follow your MAP and feel assured, because you have packed your tool kit should it be required. Own your choices, no excuses now to put off this trip. A year from now you’ll wish you started today. Set off bravely, living powerfully from choice.

Focus on where you are going. What you focus on expands, and energy flows where your attention goes. Check your rear vision, the world is your mirror, it will reflect back what you put in. Remember if it feels scary, that’s okay, just face forward and drive through the fear. When you acknowledge your fears, you dilute their strength. When you take action despite your fear you diminish its power and amplify your own. Just think where will you be later this month or this year if you are truly courageous. Imagine your worst fear come true – ask yourself – what’s the worst that could happen? Breathe deeply into it. Imagine yourself in the midst of the situation feeling strong and secure in yourself, and enjoy the ride of your life.

Set your direction with Map My Vision – https://jorobertson.co.nz/mapmyvision/